NHK朝の連続テレビ小説「おちょやん」劇中音楽、NHK Eテレ「シャキーン!」、日本テレビ「妖怪人間ベム」「ど根性ガエル」等ドラマ・CM・映画・ミュージカル等の音楽を多数担当。アメリカのミュージカルソーコンテストで2度優勝。国内外でのコンサートツアーなど精力的に演奏活動を展開。「地球オルガン」「奥河内音絵巻」「山を鳴らす」など、既存の音楽の枠を超えた規模・発想での音楽表現を展開中。「森のパイプオルガン実験演奏会」クールジャパンプラットフォームアワードCJPF 2024ムービー部門「大阪・関西万博特別賞」受賞。平成23年度文化庁芸術選奨文部科学大臣新人賞受賞。
[ Concert ]
アメリカ、韓国、チェコ、フランス、イタリア、エストニア、フィンランド、タイ、ベトナム、カザフスタン、ウズベキスタン 、キルギス、などでもサキタハヂメコンサートツアーを行う。アフリカのブルキナファソ、ノルウェー(ラップランド)のヨイクとの交流、セッションを開始。世界先住民族の音楽祭リドゥリドゥフェス2024に、ブリヤート共和国のナムガルへのゲストとして参加。
2020年よりNHK交響楽団のメンバーによるゲートウェイゾリステンのツアーにゲストで参加。全国ツアー中。世界初の「ミュージカルソー協奏曲」を自ら作曲、編曲も行う。’08年東京にてロイヤルチェンバーオーケストラ(堤 俊作指揮)、‘09年セントラル愛知交響楽団(濱本広洋指揮)、大阪交響楽団(寺岡清高指揮)で演奏を行う。
[ Discography ]
1st Album「MUSICAL SAW SONGS “S”」(2008年2月)
2nd Album「SAW much in LOVE」(2011年4月)
CLASSIC Cover Album「SAW CLASSIC 1」&「SAW CLASSIC 2」(2014年1月)
[ Soundtrack ]
NHK朝の連続TV小説『おちょやん』、Eテレ「シャキーン!」全編音楽を担当。日本テレビ&映画「妖怪人間ベム」、日本テレビ24時間テレビドラマ「車イスで僕は空を飛ぶ」、NHK-BSプレミアムドラマ「ただいま母さん」、NHK総合木曜時代劇「銀二貫」、アニメ「M3~ソノ黑キ鋼~」、日本テレビ ドラマ「ど根性ガエル」「祈りのカルテ」等のサウンドトラックを担当。
[ Composing for the stage ]
[ 音絵巻 OTOEMAKI project ]
[ 地球オルガン CHIKYU ORGAN project ]
演奏家として、作曲家として日々その成果を着実に世に送り出し、日本初ののこぎり音楽フェスティバルを開催するなどの活動と音楽性の高さが評価され、’05年には大阪市「咲くやこの花賞」を受賞。平成23年度文化庁芸術選奨文部科学大臣新人賞(芸術振興部門)受賞。「森のパイプオルガン実験演奏会」クールジャパンプラットフォームアワードCJPF 2024ムービー部門「大阪・関西万博特別賞」受賞。
Composer, Producer, Musical Saw Player, Guitarist,
Hajime is a multi talented musician and composer whose works are highly acclaimed and widely sought after in Japan. He is one of the top musical saw players in the world today who has won a number of international awards. Featured in Charlie Chaplin’s film, “Dog’s life,” the musical saw has a history of 200 years. In 1991 Hajime heard the performance by Miyaoka Utaroku, the leading saw player in Japan at the time, and was instantly captured by the ethereal beauty of the sound of the instrument. He immediately picked it up and proceeded to teach himself how to play. In 1995 Hajime as the guitarist formed the acoustic duo HAJIME NI KIYOSHI with the melodica player Kiyoshi Shintani. It was during the duo’s performances where Hajime introduced his musical saw to their audience. Dubbed “feel-good Hanauta (humming) ambient music”, HAJIME NI KIYOSHI continues to play many concerts as well as producing soundtracks for films, TV shows and commercials today. In 2004 Hajime began performing as a solo musical saw player outside of the duo. In 2005 he organized the first ever Musical Saw Festival in Japan. The successful showcase of the high standard of artistry garnered him the Sakuya Konohana Award in the Popular Entertainment category. Hajime has also won the first place twice at the International Musical Saw Festival held in Santa Cruz, California. Hajime makes it his mission to bring the art of the musical saw playing to the next level. He hopes that one day the saw will be accepted as a legitimate orchestral instrument next to the violin rather than a mere vaudeville prop. In addition to honing his performance techniques he has been creating and performing the world’s first musical saw concertos. He has debuted his works with Royal Chamber Orchestra in Tokyo in 2008, and with Central Aichi Symphony Orchestra and Osaka Symphony Orchestra respectively in 2009. Hajime has released four studio albums to date: MUSICAL SAW SONGS ‘S’ (Feb. 2008), SAW MUCH IN LOVE (April 2011), and collections of classical standards, SAW CLASSIC 1 & 2 (Jan. 2014). In 2011 he received the New Face Award under the Minister of Education Awards for Fine Arts in the Public Entertainment category. As a composer and producer, Hajime boasts a long list of credits including:
NHK Morning Drama serials”Ocyo-yan” (2020~21)Gin Nikan (2-kan Silver), Thursday Historical Drama and the soundtrack CD (NHK, 2014);
Yokai Ningen Bem (Humanoid Monster Bem), prime time action series and a feature length film based on the series (Nippon TV);
Kuruma Isu De Boku Ha Sora Wo Tobu (I Will Fly in My Wheel Chair), Drama Special (24 Hour TV);
Tadaima Kasan (I’m Home, Mom), Premium Drama Series (NHK-BS).
Shakiin!, For children’s morning show (NHK Educational Channel, 2008-now);
Moonlight Mystery, musical (Lovely Hall, Kawachinagano, 2010). His first musical project; and
Numerous musical and theater productions (Himawari Theatrical Company, etc.). Hajime is constantly in motion. When he is not busy meeting the deadlines, he seeks out ways to add new dimensions to his work and expand his horizons to stay inspired. He is currently in New York City where he prepares to reach the global audience with his new projects. Hajime started the “Resonated with the Mountain Project” to unite the forests all over the world in 2015, influenced by the nature of Okukawachi Japan and the people living there. He started the “Forest Pipe Organ Project 2016” which real forests creates a sounds as an instrument, for a start.